Star Media Enterprises

Superior media research productivity tools for tracking, estimating, and post buy analysis.

Our Products and Services - test

Saving time and insuring that data is correct makes Star Media products and services the best choice for your media research needs. Serving networks since 1988, Star Media’s reputation as the premier processor of media research data is well established.

Star Media processes daily data from Nielsen, Comscore, and VideoAmp. Evaluation systems for ISpot and Vizio/Inscape are also available.


Star Media’s flagship reporting tool includes a variety of easy-to-use reporting interfaces including rankings, comparisons, averages, crosstabulation, grids, trends, and much more.


Why labor over a spreadsheet when you can use the tool that more national researchers utilize for their estimating needs? Use the power of the StarTrak database to create a performance profile for ad-sales or programming research estimates. The estimates are stored on an elemental level and can be rolled up to summary levels so the numbers are consistent. Exports to Sales Systems from several big industry players are built in.

StarPost System

Industry standard reports show campaign performance. StarPost post buy analysis reports have been accepted in the industry for over 10 years.


Star Media’s Web-based Audience Reporting Platform enables users to access dailies and dashboard type reports from any device that can connect to the web. SSO (single sign-on) technology lets users access the application seamlessly using their company login credentials.

Data Processing

Let Star Media be your data processor. We process standard industry files as well as custom files. Our quality assurance procedures insure that the data is clean and correct.

Data Exports

Automatic feeds of data for stewardship, finance, optimization, or other internal needs are taken care of for you. Any data that has been reprocessed or reissued will be included so your data is always up to date.

Custom Reports

Custom reports are Star Media’s specialty. Reports that take hours to format by hand can be automated to run at the touch of a button. If you can think it, we can do it. We work with our customers to design flexible user interfaces for maximum efficiency.

Custom Tracking Systems

If your network needs to track certain programming, we can help. Movies, original series, sports; you let us know what you need to track and we will design a custom database and reporting system to help.

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